
Studying in Italy, All You Need to Know About This Topic


Studying in Italy is one of the most important decisions that an Arab student can make, who wishes to complete his higher education abroad and benefit from a high-quality education that guarantees him to obtain a globally recognized certificate that qualifies him to enter the labor market of his wide door.

In this article, we will talk about everything related to the subject of studying in Italy, where we will introduce you, dear reader, to the study visa, how to obtain it, how to apply for admission to the university, the documents required for this, and much other information related to this subject.

Studying in Italy:

Many Arab students, as soon as they get a bachelor’s degree, or as it is called in some countries a high school diploma, start thinking about studying abroad.


Perhaps studying in Italy is one of the topics on which we receive many questions from our dear followers.

Therefore, we will present the most important questions we receive from students and provide their answers, as the article will be in question/answer format.

What is a study visa in Italy?

A study visa in Italy is a visa to enter Italy for studies and is granted to foreigners who intend to attend university courses, study courses, or professional training in recognized institutes.

This visa is also granted to foreigners who are invited to carry out cultural or scientific activities or research.

If the student wishes to study in Italy, he/she must apply for a visa to study in Italy at the Italian Embassy or Consulate in his/her country of residence.


The visa is issued within 3 months and the period of stay is granted for a period equal to the period of study in Italy.

But in any case, the period of residence does not exceed one year, renewable for those who have courses consisting of several years.

How can I obtain a visa to study in Italy in?

In order for you, dear reader, to obtain a study visa in Italy, you will need to meet certain necessary and important requirements, namely:

  • The applicant must be at least 14 years old (for those under 14, they can only obtain a study visa for a period not exceeding 45 days to attend short language and cultural courses, organized by associations or institutes recognized in Italy);
  • Academic acceptance or documented guarantees related to the study program, professional training, or course financed by the Italian government to be followed or the research or scientific activity to be undertaken;
  • A health insurance document valid for the duration of the required stay;
  • Financial evidence proving that the student has the means of subsistence of at least half of the annual social allowance, and the annual social allowance in Italy is estimated at approximately 5,889 euros;
  • Provide material proof that the student has the necessary funds for the return trip to his/her country after the end of his/her academic career;
  • Provide proof of a place to stay by booking a hotel or submitting a letter of receipt from an Italian citizen or foreigner residing in Italy.

How do I apply to Italian universities?

There are two ways to apply for admission to Italian universities, these two methods differ depending on the nationality of the applicant


1- Submit the application via the university’s website:

Some countries do not have any agreement with Italy regarding studies in Italian universities.

Therefore, a student who wishes to complete his or her studies in Italy will have to search the websites of Italian universities and wait for the day when the registration process begins in order to submit his or her application electronically or by regular mail.

The student will need to contact the university first to familiarize himself/herself with the documents and procedures that need to be followed in order to register and submit the application.

If he/she meets all the requirements, the university will send him/her a letter of acceptance that he/she must attach to his/her file when applying for the visa.

2- Submit the application through the Italian Embassy or Consulate:

This procedure is more applicable in many Arab and North African countries (Morocco as a model), where the application to enroll in the chosen course is submitted through the Italian consulate or embassy.

However, enrollment in universities is for a fixed period of time according to the ministerial decree published each year.


What you should do, the dear student is to contact the Italian Embassy in your country from time to time to find out when the applications for enrollment in the universities are received.

When the date of receipt of applications in Italian universities is fixed, you will be informed (after contacting them by phone)

They will tell you the procedures and the documents that you must provide in your application.

At the consulate, they will give you an application form that you will have to fill in carefully and you will have to select 3 universities in which you want to study.

After that, the consulate will submit the application to these universities, and if you are accepted, you will receive a reply in your e-mail, and then you will choose the university that suits you.

What documents are required to apply to Italian universities?
When you contact the Italian embassy in your country, they will tell you what documents you need to bring to the consulate to apply.

But in general, the documents required are as follows:

  • A bachelor’s degree (high school diploma) or the equivalent of 12 years of study accompanied by a certificate with a translation of the certificate by a sworn and certified translator;
  • 2 certified photographs;
  • Certificate of Italian language proficiency such as CILS or PLIDA;
  • Any other document required for the chosen program of study.

How do I prove the availability of means of support and the amount of the round trip?

The student can prove the availability of financial resources by:

  • Credit cards, traveler’s checks, bank statements;
  • Submit a letter of credit from a foreign bank guaranteeing that you will receive the amount in Italy;
  • Submit a certificate proving that you have a bank account with an Italian bank for the required amount;
  • Documents confirming that you have received scholarships, honorary loans, or housing services provided by public administrations…
  • As for the amount needed to return to the country, it is sufficient to show the return ticket, especially for those who will benefit from a short-term study program.

What about the guarantee?

It is known that most students do not have the required amount as proof of financial resources.

Therefore, the student can be guaranteed by a family member such as a father, mother, brother or sister…

And the guarantee consists of freezing an amount in the bank, about 6000 to 7000 euros, and it will be available to the student during his stay in Italy. That’s all there is to it.

What is a residence permit to study in Italy?

Let’s consider that a student has been able to obtain a study visa in Italy, and has traveled to Italy.

The first step he/she must take after arriving in Italy is to apply for a residence permit to study.

He/she must apply for this permit within 8 working days of entering Italy at the Questura of his/her place of residence.

The application must be accompanied by the following documents, in addition to the tax stamp and the certificate of payment, for the issuance of the electronic declaration:

  • Passport-size photos;
  • Copy of passport + visa (showing the original);
  • A copy of the course registration certificate (showing the original);
  • Certificate of health coverage or registration with the National Health Service;
  • Proof of residences such as a lease agreement or declaration of hospitality and the declaration of hospitality must be accompanied by copies of the lease agreement or deed of purchase and a copy of the landlord’s identity document;
  • Documents proving the availability to live.

How long can I stay in Italy to study?

The residence permit allows the holder to reside in Italy for the time specified in the study program.

For those who are going to study in Italy for several years, whether for a bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree, the residence permit is for one year, renewable.

The residence permit for university students can be renewed for a maximum period of 3 years.

Can a student work in Italy?

Yes, the student can work in Italy for a period not exceeding 20 hours per week.

It is also possible to work 52 weeks, but not more than 1040 hours per year.

Can a residence permit for studies be transformed into a work permit?

Before the expiry of the specified period of study in Italy, the student can transform his or her residence permit for study into a residence permit for work.

However, within the limits of the annual quotas specified in the flow decree of the Flousi decree which is issued every year

In case the student obtains a work contract, he/she must apply for a transfer, but on condition that the study permit is still valid.

This is necessary to obtain the authorization of the Italian Immigration Office.

This procedure also applies to persons who have entered Italy to attend training courses or to carry out training courses in Italy.

In this case, the transfer will only be possible after the end of the training course or the training for which they entered Italy.

As for students who have completed their higher education, whether it is a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree, they can convert their study residence into a work residence without having to return to the quotas specified in the annual flow decree.

Alternatively, they can register in an employment center and obtain a residence permit while waiting to work.

So this is the most important information related to the subject of study in Italy, we hope that everyone has taken advantage of it.

If anyone has any questions regarding this topic, please put them in a comment and we will try to answer them as soon as possible.
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